The Business Federation of Assistance for Dependency (FED) and the Matarromera Group have signed a collaboration agreement whereby this Association’s residential and day centres will be able to include the Eminazero product in their customary menus and diets.
The FED is composed of 17 organisations representing the entire range of operators working in attention for dependency: residential centres, day/night centres and home care and teleassistance services.
The FED’s total membership now represents 2,400 residential centres with 154,000 places, 28,000 places in day centres, 230,000 home care beneficiaries and 315,000 teleassistance users, who from now on will find the various EMINAZERO references (red, white, rosé and sparkling) in their daily menus and diets, since the FED itself has considered this product to be a beneficial element for the health and the diet of its associates and customers.
Indeed, Eminazero has proved to be a product perfectly suitable and recommended for all types of publics, including senior citizens, due to its zero content of alcohol and calories, at the same time adding a valuable nutritional component, since one glass of Eminazero has a greater polyphenolic content than two cups of tea, four apples, three glasses of beer or seven fresh oranges.
The FED was founded in 2006 with the aim of unifying in one large national employers’ organisation all the business sector of attention for dependency, including all the operators acting in this field: residential centres, day/night centres and home care and teleassistance services.
The Association operates all over Spain, representing and defending the interests of the sector of residences for elderly people who are or are not in situations of dependency, day and night centres, home care, teleassistance and social services of direct personal attention.