Cyan “Pago de la Calera”, has been awarded first place in the prestigious US-based wine blog´s ranking. “La Calera”, limestone area of old vineyards of the DO Toro (Spain), and the manual harvest of the variety “Tinta de Toro”, is the age and character of one of the most successful and award-winning products of
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Again, the Matarromera Group´s wines have left its quality mark in international competitions of great prestige. During March, the competition took place in the Belgian town of Wauthier-Braine, the celebration of a new edition «International Wine Contest», within the network of international competitions the wine «(International Vine and Wine Organisation). With a gold medal and
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Matarromera presenta en Nueva York su filial norteamericana
Grupo Matarromera presentó ayer a la sociedad norteamericana su recientemente creada filial, Matarromera USA Inc, empresa fundada a finales de 2010 y que, con una estructura propia, servirá para afianzar la apuesta de la empresa bodeguera en el mercado USA. Más de 150 personas, pertenecientes a la escena política, empresarial y de medios de comunicación de
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