Roberto Sanz Soblechero, manager of the Carlos Moro de Matarromera Foundation, presented Javier Arroyo, president of the AECC (Spanish Association Against Cancer) in Valladolid, with the funds raised from the sales of the WIN Against Cancer bottles sold by the company Sin Alcohol SL. The presentation took place last Saturday, during the charity gala held at the Felipe IV Hotel.
The total of €17,664 (60 cents for every bottle of WIN AECC white and WIN AECC red purchased) will go towards an AECC research study to fight cancer. The contribution will specifically fund the project being developed by Dr Jelena Urosevic, currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Growth Control and Cancer Metastasis group at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine.
For Arroyo, “this project provides the AECC with a stimulus both due to the product’s visibility and this important contribution to one of our main research projects”. According to Roberto Sanz, “we are a socially committed company and we feel obligated to lead initiatives that contribute to reducing the harm caused by cancer, a disease that affects us all.”
More than 200 guests attended the event and were able to taste the WIN AECC alcohol-free wines during the dinner. The Carlos Moro de Matarromera Foundation also assisted with the organisation of the gala, along with other companies such as Manu Sánchez Alta Costura and Be Joya. The event took place in Valladolid and was presented by the journalist Cristina Camel.
Sin Alcohol SL created this charitable campaign alongside the AECC a year ago. Thanks to the campaign, close to 30,000 bottles of WIN AECC white and red have been sold, a testament to the magnificent reception it has had during this first year.
Committed to research
WIN, the first alcohol-free wine, is an innovative product that supports a healthy lifestyle. Its edition in collaboration with the AECC is allowing it to play its small part in the fight against cancer, supporting all the people fighting this terrible illness every day. WIN AECC was born of a commitment to providing a message of hope and victory, and of the conviction that research is the best and only way to beat cancer. Raising awareness of this illness and supporting cancer patients via a healthy habits campaign were the ideas driving Win’s creation. These notions continue inspiring it today.
WIN AECC, Alcohol-Free Wine
WIN is produced using white or red wines, made from the Verdejo or Tempranillo grape varieties. These are grown in vineyards situated in two of the main Denominations of Origin, Ribera del Duero and Rueda.
Via an innovative method used at the Molecular Deconstruction Plant located in Valbuena de Duero (Valladolid), the aromas and alcohol are separated from the rest of the wine’s components. The process occurs via a system known as a Spinning Cone Column, which extracts the alcohol whilst minimising the risk of the wine losing its aromatic components.
These wines maintain all the health-benefitting properties of the original wine, as they still contain polyphenols, anthocyanins and antioxidants.