Today, Bodegas Familiares Matarromera was awarded four AENOR quality certificates at its Bodega Emina Ribera headquarters, accrediting the company’s commitment to the environment, sustainability and quality. For the first time, the winery has been awarded an Environmental Management certificate, according to Standard UNE-EN ISO 14001, and a Carbon Footprint UNE-EN ISO 14064 certificate under the Wineries for Climate Protection (WfCP) scheme developed by the Spanish Wine Federation (FEV). The company has thus become the first winery in Castile and León to gain the AENOR certificate under the WfCP scheme.
The winery has also renewed its Quality Management UNE-EN ISO 9001 certificate, which it obtained in 2009 and covers almost all the Matarromera Family Wineries facilities. The Company’s Chief Operating Officer, Julio Pinto, received the certificates from AENOR’s General Manager, Rafael García Meiro.
For the Director of Operations of Bodegas Familiares Matarromera, Julio Pinto, “these certificates that we’ve achieved in key areas of our company are the result of our commitment to improving our organisation and reflect our search for excellence. All of this forms part of the company’s strategic plan and sustainable policy, and we have maintained this spirit since Carlos Moro founded Matarromera 30 years ago”.
According to the General Director of AENOR, Rafael García Meiro, “with the certificates received today, Bodegas Familiares Matarromera demonstrates that a job well done and sustainability are key axes of its competitiveness. And it does so through a clear commitment to standards that include good practices in areas such as caring for the environment, fighting climate change and prioritising quality”.
These recognitions join others that Matarromera already holds, such as an R+D+i Projects certificate that allows companies to legally access the tax deductions established in Corporate Tax legislation for R+D+i.
In 2010, Matarromera also became the first Spanish company to obtain an AENOR Product Carbon Footprint certificate for three of its wines (Emina Verdejo, Emina Crianza and Matarromera Crianza). The difference between this certificate and the Organisation Carbon Footprint certificate (UNE-EN ISO 14064) is that the former is aimed at measuring all the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the life cycle of a product (in this case wine), while the latter includes all emissions produced as a result of a company’s activities.
According to Standard UNE-EN ISO 14064, the AENOR Carbon Footprint certificate certifies the accuracy of an organisation’s Carbon Footprint calculations. Among its advantages, it allows understanding and control of organisations’ emissions, improving their competitiveness. It also increases the credibility and transparency of organisations in the eyes of the market. AENOR performs close to 200 Carbon Footprint checks on organisations annually and has certified around one hundred product and event Carbon Footprints.
AENOR’s Environmental Management System certificate is based on International Standard ISO 14001 and accredits that the organisation has implemented an environmental management system that helps to prevent environmental impacts, using the necessary means to avoid, reduce or control these. Spain ranks fifth in the world for its number of ISO 14001 certificates, with nearly 13,750 recognitions, according to ISO.
AENOR’s Quality Management System certificate accredits that the company complies with the requirements established by Standard ISO 9001. Among its various advantages, this certificate improves processes and eliminates the costs (including direct monetary costs) of ‘non-quality’. Spain ranks seventh in the world for its number of ISO 9001 certificates, with 34,500 recognitions.
In addition, the AENOR certificate under the Wineries for Climate Protection (WfCP) scheme, developed and promoted by the FEV, accredits the environmental sustainability of the wineries. This certificate makes it possible to measure the performance of wine cellars, impacting four specific areas: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; water management; reduction of waste; and energy efficiency and renewable energies. The FEV recognises AENOR as a certification body qualified to conduct audits and collaborated with the organisation on the technical development of this scheme.
About Bodegas Familiares Matarromera
Bodegas Familiares Matarromera, founded by Carlos Moro in 1988, is a company dedicated to viticulture, wine and oil production, with facilities in six of the most prestigious Denominations of Origin in Spain: Ribera del Duero (Bodegas Matarromera, Emina Ribera and Renacimiento), Rioja (Bodega Carlos Moro), Rueda (Bodega Emina Rueda), Cigales (Bodega Valdelosfrailes), Toro (Bodega Cyan) and Ribeiro. Its wineries produce internationally prestigious, top-of-the-range wines.
It has 700 hectares of its own vineyards with top quality, super-intensive plantations. Alongside wines, including organic wines under the Granza brand, Bodegas Familiares Matarromera produces non-alcoholic wines (Win), distillates (Heredad de Aldor) and extra virgin olive oils (Oliduero). The company has also created Vinesenti, a range of products made from polyphenolic grape extract designed to enhance and enrich cooking recipes and Esdor, a high-end grape-based cosmetics range.
In 2012, Carlos Moro received the European Environment Prize and the Spanish Food Prize and in 2015, he received the Gold Medal for Tourist Merit in Sustainability and Quality. In 2017, he was also awarded the National Innovation Prize due to the impressive, 30-year innovative trajectory that has led him to create a business model based in the rural world that today employs 160 people.
AENOR is a professional services organisation that identifies and helps to correct gaps in competitiveness within companies, sectors and the economy, through generating trust. AENOR is the leading certification body in Spain.
AENOR is a global entity that already operates in 90 countries. Its activities span certification, verification, validation, inspection, analysis, training and information services. In Spain, it has a network of 20 branches.
Currently, more than 80,000 workplaces have gained AENOR certificates in fields such as Quality Management, Sustainability, Health and Safety at Work, Digitalisation and Compliance.
AENOR prides itself on several noteworthy competitive advantages. These include the highest brand recognition between companies (B2B) and consumers (B2C), having its own staff, which allows it to manage accumulated knowledge for the benefit of its clients, innovation in resolving new competitiveness gaps thanks to its proximity to knowledge sources and its geographical and sectoral adaptability.